Sunday, August 12, 2012

Random Facts

I was on the phone with my daughter the other day, and she mentioned that her friends always wonder why she knows so many random facts. She reminded me that when she was young and asked a question, I wouldn't just give her the answer, I would say, "Go look it up!" This was no easy feat. You see, we did not have Google, Bing, Yahoo, Dogpile, Webcrawler, Altavista, Wikipedia, or Truth be told, we didn't even have internet back then! All we had was a huge World Book Encyclopedia set, and I made sure she got good use out of every volume. Well, I now have a young son at home, and he is always asking random questions about random, "What is a runtime error?" Or, "How do I download this mod?" The difference is, I usually knew the answer to my daughter's question, I just wanted her to learn how to do her own research. When my son asks a question, I don't have a clue! I can't figure out why he always asks me instead of his father, but that's another story. I usually say, "Look it up! Why do you think we got you a laptop!" That being said, I thought I would share some "Random Facts" periodcally on this blog, just because...

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