Friday, August 3, 2012

I’ve Been This Way Before

Ok, I admit it.  I have been here before.  I did a BC in 2002.  I’m sure I was going through a momentous life event and when that happens my hair is usually the first thing I change.  Well, after that BC I REALLY didn’t like the way I looked.  I didn’t like the way my hair looked.  I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and said to myself “Remember how you look and remember how this feels.  Listen, don’t EVER do this again!”  So, I grew my hair out and wore several nice styles over the course of four years.  Then I did it again.  Somehow I convinced myself that I didn’t really mean what I said six years prior.  I forgot how I looked and how I felt.  So I had to look in the mirror and remind myself AGAIN…“   Well, things have changed.  I have changed.  My reason for wanting to be relaxer free has changed.  The products available for natural hair have changed.  The way we care for natural hair has changed.  So, I think I’m ready to make a change.  In preparation for this journey, I stopped relaxing months ago and I have about two inches of new growth. 

I have also spent a considerable amount of time on You Tube checking out BC videos, tutorials on transition, and natural hair care.  I have become familiar with the language of the “naturals,” like BC, co-wash and the curly girl method. 
So, what’s the next step for me on this journey of natural expression?

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