Sunday, August 26, 2012

I DID IT!!!!!

Today is the day, MY DAY FOR FREEDOM! I quickly twisted the cords around my blow dryer, flat iron, and curling iron… and put them away. I placed my comb and shears on the bathroom counter, turned on the video camera, lifted up a lock of hair and made the first cut. After the first snip, I knew there was no turning back. All the months of dealing with new growth, relaxed hair and the drudgery (for me) of having to work through different transition styles are now behind me. Armed with my new found freedom, I continued to cut. I thought about making a big production of the whole thing; you know, have a stylist cut it while my daughter videotaped. But at the end of the day I realized that this was journey I needed to take alone. There were only two people in the bathroom… me and the woman staring back at me in the mirror.

I can’t tell you how liberating this is. Not so much that I’ve embraced my natural hair, but the freedom from the bondage of the process. The process of chemicals, and chemical burns. Freedom from the blow dry fry and the searing heat or irons.

It’s kind of funny though…this time I did not say “Why did you do this, AGAIN?” I mean it didn't even cross my mind. I really like the way I look, and I really like the way I feel.

Today is a good day! Thank you Mahoghany Curls for all of your videos.

The video from this leg of my journey will be posted soon.

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