Sunday, September 2, 2012


Okay, it’s been one full week since I did my BC. I'm still lovin' it, and happy I did not try to transition from relaxed to natural beyond this point!

Initial Reactions:

Work: The reactions have all been positive. If anyone thought otherwise, I guess they decided that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. I had one woman decide that she could do it too, and wrote down all of the products I told her I used.

My Friends: All positive!

My Family:

Daughter: Of course, she loves it; she did her BC two years ago. She reposted my picture on her Facebook page, sent her friends to my You Tube Channel, and gave them a link to my blog.

Husband: Finally commented on it yesterday by saying , “Now you look like so-and-so’s wife.” I'm still not sure how I should take that, and didn't care to ask.

12 year old Son: “Oh, now that I think about it, I don’t mind your hair being short.” Since I did my initial BC, it was uneven in certain sections, so today I went to a local barber shop to have it shaped up.

Here are the results.

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